
     As the time gets closer to the final shooting of our project, it is imperative to begin setting some ground rules and what we wanna do. This week in class we began our storyboarding which puts us 1 step closer to the actual filming. Beyond that though, I feel it is necessary that I list what we will all need to do and where we need to be to get this film out.


    The most important thing of all with this is location, my final group was put together rather quickly not giving us the time to really know each other so it makes sense we would opt-out of filming in our homes together. With that being said; however, the location for our film will take place in the school. More specifically, the hallways and the staircase. I don't have any photos of the inside of our school but we plan on utilizing the blank white hallways to our advantage as well as the poorly lit staircases in the morning.


    The actor for this film will actually be me so scheduling will be rather simple as we go to school Monday through Friday and I am the only one acting. In a group of 4 people, it may come as a shot that I am the only one who will be acting in the shots; however, this is because the other 2 group members on our roster weren't a part of our group until the last minute so the film we chose corresponded with just the two of us (Kaylee and I as that was the best option we had at the time. Because of their lack of acting in the shots though they each received a job one of them being the most important: The voice-over.

The film

    The overall look of the film as well as the feel is just one of mystery. We want our viewers to actively engage with the opening picking apart different things trying to understand. If this was a true film we want it to be a film where even if you have seen it once, you haven't discovered everything that needs to be discovered. We plan on doing this by dropping hints in our opening that allude to the fact there is a bigger picture: Symbols, sounds, etc. Another big incorporation to make this come to life is the voice-over. No one knows who the man speaking truly is, however, we know there are other life forms out there and he and this kid have something to do with it.

This shot right here is called a rack focus, we plan on using this shot a few times throughout our opening to signify a certain significance to objects and different symbols to add that hint of mystery we want.


    The sounds for the opening are essentially only gonna be voiceovers conducted by a character named "Mal". One of our group members (not decided yet) will be the voice of this character and we will record this separately then add the tracks over the shots themselves. as for the other aspects of the sound we want to make the shots as eerie as possible which we plan on doing this using silence. The only sounds will hear are his loud footsteps, a bell, as well as the rustling in his bag in one scene. We plan on doing this in real-time using in-camera audio as the school is rather quiet in the morning.


    As stated earlier, we began our storyboards last week. The storyboard contains all 17 shots that are gonna be in our opening. Our group was rather confused with the storyboard in a way as none of us are really good at drawing; however, we found out if we combined two different storyboard software we can use both of their benefits to our advantage with one of them being the access software that makes digitizing our scenes easy. 

As you can see, we're using StudioBinder to make our story which we feel just makes it look better overall. With everything considered, I feel like we did a great job with the creation of the storyboard from the shots to the artwork.

Schedule and technology

The overall schedule for our film is nothing major, as soon as the teacher allows us time to film in class that's when we'll do it. The shots won't take long and I estimate if we work hard all of the footage will be complete in around 3 days. The technology we need to begin shooting is simply a camera as a majority of the audio will come in post-production.

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