Film genres

                                        Genres of films

Genres are the sections and conventions in which films we watch fall into. Film genres have existed since films beginning. Just think, would you like to watch the same thing over and over? This question formed the different films we see today, we have films for everyone of any interest and age. 

What does it mean to be a genre

There is practically an unlimited number of genres, however the main genres would include Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Horror, and Romance. Each of these individual film genres include their own unique codes and conventions that are used to distinguish them from others.


Action films are a type of film genre which in contains high octane action. We know it's an action film when we see things such as fight sequences, explosions and high paced cuts and editing.


The Comedy genre is a genre in which humor and comedy is incorporated into each scene that allows the viewers to have a light hearted experience.


The fantasy genre is a fiction film that takes place in a fictional universe


The horror genre is a genre that includes horror into scenes. The horror genre often consists of a scary subject and theme to keep viewers on edge.


Romance is a film genre that contains romance. The romance film genre showcases relationships amongst the characters.

A dive into the "Action" genre

How I feel about film genres

When we first started our investigation into the many film genres I seen it as trivial, I thought to myself why would we learn about something so simple? It turns out I was wrong and there was way more to genres than what meets the eye. After completing my project on the Action genre I can say I understand genre a little bit more now, I understand what it means for a film to have certain conventions that allow a film to fall into certain categories.

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